Community Solar

Why community solar?

Community rooftop solar projects allow businesses, schools, and municipalities that aren’t able to install solar panels on their facility to enjoy the economic and environmental advantages of having a solar array installed. Pfister Energy is an NJ, MD, and NY community solar developer. Our team helps provide renewable energy solutions for the communities in the states we develop, install, and maintain community solar projects in and helps business owners and building managers take advantage of community solar benefits like leasing unused rooftop and property space for solar installations.

New Jersey Community Solar Developer NJ Community Solar Developer Maryland Community Solar Solutions Maryland Community Solar Developer

do you have Unused property, rooftop, or parking areas?

Many companies or buildings that have a lot of unused space, and that do not have high on-site energy consumption are ideal candidates for a lease agreement.

Leasing Companies

Companies leasing their buildings may not be eligible to install solar on their property.


Many multi-tenant occupants or businesses do not own their roofs.

schools & muncipalities

Schools and municipalities that don't have the budget or the roof space to install their own solar panels.


Business that need to relocate, have equipment on the roof, have shaded or unusable roof space.

Lease your property, roof, or parking lot area

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