Pfister Energy Completes Production On Lockheed Martin’s Largest Solar Field
NEWS PROVIDED BY Pfister Energy 10:18 ET
HAWTHORNE, N.J., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Pfister Energy was selected to design, build and construct a 2.5 MW solar field for Lockheed Martin’s (NYSE: LMT) Moorestown facility. The 8-acre, 2.5 megawatt (DC), ground mount, photovoltaic solar field will reduce the facility’s environmental impact through this upgrade by saving 5 percent of its annual electric usage.

Pictured left to right: Vice Presidents John Palumbo, Jim Sheridan and Carol Cala of Lockheed Martin join Doug Bagwill and Wayne Pfisterer of
Pfister Energy along with Moorestown Mayor, Stacey Jordan cutting the ribbon on Lockheed Martin’s largest solar field located in Moorestown, N.J. on May 14, 2018.
“Lockheed Martin has made great strides in clean energy and energy efficiency by developing and offering these technologies to their clients,” states Wayne Pfisterer, President of Pfister Energy. “In this case, Lockheed Martin is taking this a step further by implementing clean energy on one of its own facilities. Pfister Energy is proud to work with Lockheed Martin on this solar project and to continue to drive its shared vision of a new clean energy future.”
The imperative to innovate has always been at the center of Lockheed Martin and how they do business. Their sustainability mission is to foster innovation, integrity, and security to protect the environment, strengthen communities and propel responsible growth.
“Lockheed Martin strives to achieve environmentally conscious business operations. Our environmental stewardship efforts extend to our facilities across the world,” said Jim Sheridan, Vice President, and Moorestown General Manager. “I am particularly proud that our Moorestown facility is home to the Corporation’s largest solar field which is part of our pledge to quadruple our onsite renewable generation by 2020.”
About Pfister Energy:
Possessing over 25 years of experience, Pfister Energy is respected for its ability to design and build large-scale, complex solar projects, as well as, offering energy efficiency and energy management solutions. As a total solutions provider offering design, procurement, installation, commissioning, maintenance, and financing, our clients not only receive best-in-class, cost-effective, and tailored energy solutions but will be contributing to a cleaner and sustainable future environment.
About Lockheed Martin:
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 97,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.
Media Contacts:
Lucy Giglio, 973-653-9880; [email protected]
Nancy Nelson, 609-410-5762; [email protected]
SOURCE: Pfister Energy