Solar Pile Driver Services
you asked,
we listened
Pfister Energy is now offering turn-key mechanical installation of ground-mounted racking systems utilizing our own in-house pile driving equipment and skilled technicians. We now offer solar pile driver services to our clients in the mid-atlantic and northeast regions.
In addition to our mechanical installation and solar pile driver services, Pfister Energy has over 18 years of experience in providing turn-key EPC services for ground mount, roof mount, and carport solar installations. Our experienced team will handle all aspects of your solar installation. We will consult, design, order, install, operate, and maintain your solar system. Additionally, we will work with you to find the best financial options for your project and your budget.

pile Driver
Piles up to 18′ into the ground in minutes. Designed for the installation of large solar farms in varying soil conditions. In addition to posts, our state-of-the-art equipment can also install earth screws and helical piles if site conditions require.
& Accuracy
Using latest technology in GPS and practices, our in-house engineering, project management, and electrical contracting services can deliver customized and reliable cost-effective solutions for your next ground mount solar project.